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Exams and teaching materials

Teaching material

Textbook General Surgery (ENG)

Guide for practical skills (ENG)


Questions for exam.

Questions for practical exam.

Tests 2024-2025 semester V

Tests 2022-2023 semester VI


Video lessons

History of surgery

Asepsis. Prevention of airborne, contact, and implantation infection.

Antisepsis: definition, history, and classification.

Bleeding: classification, clinical manifestations, and diagnosis.

Blood coagulation and hemostasis.

Blood transfusion: indications and contraindications, methods and kinds.

Complications of blood transfusion.

Semiology of nutritional disturbances. Parenteral and enteral nutrition.

Surgical intervention: definition, classification. Preoperative period and postoperative management.

Surgical instruments. Sutures, knots and basic surgical skills.

Desmurgy: concept, types of bandages. General rules of dressing technique and bandaging.


Catheters and tubes insertion. Minor invasive surgical manipulations (part I)

Catheters and tubes insertion. Minor invasive surgical manipulations (part II)

Surgical infection.

Semiology of purulent processes of the finger and hand.

Semiology of inflammatory diseases and traumatic injuries of the bones and joints.

Surgical sepsis. Anaerobic infection

Surgical semiology. Diagnostic process. History of disease. Semiology of surgical diseases of the head and neck. Semiology of the thorax and spine deformities. Semiology of breast diseases.

Semiology of acute abdomen.

Trauma. General conception about the traumatic injuries of head, chest and abdomen

Semiology of peripheral arterial diseases. Semiology of peripheral venous diseases. Necrosis, gangrene, and trophy ulcers.

Surgical aspects of diabetic foot.

Basics of transplantology.


Reexamination 2024

For any year and semester of study

29.10.2024, 15.00 - Test

Academic Evaluation Center - Chisinau, Nicolae Testemițanu 27 street

29.10.2024, 15.00 - 17.00 - Oral and/or practical exam

Department of General Surgery, Municipal Hospital nr.1 - Chisinau, Melestiu 20 street

Recovery of absences!!! - Tuesday and Thursday, starting from 15.10.24 until the date of re-examination (except the weekend days - Saturday, Sunday) - between 15.00 and 17.00.

Location - Department of General Surgery, Municipal Hospital nr.1 - Chisinau, Melestiu 20 street

For more information - call +37379888239, Vladimir Iacub, chief of studies - Department of General Surgery